Visit from 21st Century Education Research Institute, China
On April 23rd, 2019 China 21st Century Education Research Institute (21st CEDU) visited College of Education, Seoul National University. The delegate constituted of 23 people, including Professor Dongping Yang, the President of institute and also a member of the Chinese National Education Advisory Committee. First, the dean Heui-Baik Kim and associate dean Byeong-Gon Min gave […]
Visit from Sarawak Government, Ministry of Education, Malaysia
April 9, Mr. Sarawak, Mr. Boonchai and three others from Ministry of Education, Malaysia visited the College of Education. Visitors visited the ALC lecture room, Maker Space, etc., and then had time for presentation and conversation in the professor meeting room. Professor Kwon Oh Nam made a presentation about “STEAM Education in Korea”, and Dr. […]
2019 Spring iSNUCE Language Exchange Program (LEP) Orienation
On March 11th, iSNUCE Language Exchange Program (LEP) orientation and welcoming dinner was held. At the spring semester of 2019, 20 teams of language exchange partner got organized. Throughout the semester, they will get the chance to learn their partner’s language and also the culture. Professor Sonya Nichole Martin and Professor Junhua Yu attended […]