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National Academy for Educational Administrators
Office Building #152-1, Room #503
TEl 02-880-7810
URL https://naea.snu.ac.kr

The National Academy for Educational Administrators was established on December 31, 1960 under the name National Academy for Educational Admistrative Officials.

 aims to globalize the Korean language and Korea itself by cultivating Korean education leaders.
This program is a long-term curriculum that runs in two semesters, enabling more systematic learning of Korean language and Korean culture knowledge. While gaining cooperation from the Seoul National University Language Education Institute and overseas institutions, we foster students’ expertise as Korean language educators through class observations and having mock classes at home and abroad. The nation’s top professional instructors provide lectures that combine theory and practice, and the students will be eligible to take the Test of Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language upon completion of the course.
The numerous graduates who completed this course have devoted themselves to the field of Korean language education based on various majors, and have established an active network of exchanges among graduates through the alumni association.