Home Economics, otherwise known as household management education or family and consumer science, is the profession and field of study that deals with the economics and management of the home and community. Home economics teaches students how to properly run a family environment and make the world a better place for generations to come.
The mission of the Department of Home Economics Education is to foster ethical and independent individuals, and to play a major role in supporting young people to participate effectively in changing social, cultural and economic times.
In order to capitalize on this potential, the Department of Home Economics Education offers curriculum that uses contemporary educational research as a guide to influence and develop policy to advocate for individuals, families and communities to achieve empowerment and wellbeing, to utilize transformative practices, and to facilitate sustainable futures.
Our academic discipline is to educate new scholars, to conduct research and to create new knowledge and ways of thinking for professionals and for society. Students will discover and further develop their own resources and capabilities to be used in their personal life, by directing their professional decisions and actions or preparing them for life, in the arena of Home Economics and Education are closely connected.
Our graduates have their careers in school teaching, school education specialist and make their way to a further research in graduate school. For future students, researchers in Home Economics or Home Economics Education, incumbent school teachers who have abundant experience and critical mind are encouraged are preferred.