2019년 거창군 멘토링 진행

가. 참여기간 : 2019.1.14.(월) ~ 15(화), 2일간 나. 내용 : 거창군 학생(대성일고, 대성고, 거창여고)을 대상으로 한 멘토링 활동                  (진로설정, 학습요령, 대학생활 경험담 등)  다. 참여인원 : 서울대학교 사범대학생(21명), 거창군 고등학생(127명)

[iSNUCE] 2019 Spring Semester Language Exchange Program Application Announcements

2019 Spring Semester Language Exchange Program Application Announcements The Language Exchange Program (LEP) is a program that connects foreign students with Korean students and helps them learn each other’s language and culture. Foreign and Korean students can enhance each others language skills and understanding of other countries, and will be able to create synergies in helping each other. […]