College of Education chose for homepage renewal project
College of Education has been choosen for the ‘Homepage rewnal project’ hosted by Office of Information Systems and Technology, Seoul National University. Following the project result, our college’s homepage will be reorganized to mobile-friendly homepage with modern design. Also, the new homepage will be reformed to user-friendly homepage, reflecting ‘College of Education homepage satisfaction survey […]
Smart learning spaces(E· Room & I · Room) open at College of Education
E· Room(Building #9, room #201) and I · Room(Building #9, room #202) have finished construction and are now open. Built to support CoE members’/off blended learning and video conference, both room are equipped with various smart learning facilities such as lecture recording system, real-time video conference program, electronic bulletin board and more. E· Room means a […]
[서울대 카드뉴스 35호] 어서와~ 관악 밖은 처음이지?
[서울대 카드뉴스 35호] 어서와~ 관악 밖은 처음이지? *클릭시 SNU NOW 홈페이지로 연결됩니다