2019 Spring iSNUCE Neighborhood Market Tour

   On March 9th, 2019 iSNUCE Neighborhood Market Tour was held. Professor Sonya Nichole Martin, Professor Junhua Yu, and students meet together to look around the neighborhood of Seoul National University. From Sharosu-gil to Inheon Market, stores, iSNUCE members experienced stores, restaurants and amenities near the campus. After, they had a lunch together to talk […]

2019 SNU STARTUP MATCH POINT &lt스타트업 톡투유: 스타트업 CEO 강연>

1. 행 사 명: 2019 SNU STARTUP MATCH POINT <스타트업 톡투유: 스타트업 CEO 강연> 2. 일 시: 2019. 3. 13.(수) 13:00 ~ 18:00 3. 장 소: 글로벌공학교육센터(38동) 5층 4. 주요내용: 스타트업 CEO 창업강연 가. 14:00~15:00 실리콘밸리 창업스토리(센드버드 김동신 대표) 나. 15:30~16:30 왜 사업인가(집토스 이재윤 대표) 5. 문 의 처: 창업지원단(02-880-2223)    

2019 Spring iSNUCE Orientation for International Students

On march 4th, 2019 Spring iSNUCE Orientation was held for new international students. As professor Sony N. Martin introduced program as a main director, professor Douglas R. Gress gave warm greeting to 15 new students. As an orientation program, ice breaking game was followed to help students know each other. Also, students received safety training […]