Visit from National Institute of Education, NTU, Singapore

On 2nd January 2020, faculty from National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore visited our university. The candidate constitute of two professor – Dr. David Hung (Dean of Education Research) and Dr. David Huang (Associate Dean, Research and Administration Support). From our university, eight professors -Dean Heui-Baik Kim, Associate Dean Dong-Yeol Park, Associate Dean […]

싱가포르 난양공대 국립교육원 교수진의 방문

2020.01.02.(목) 싱가포르 난양공과대학교(NTU) 국립교육원(NIE)의 David Hung 교수(Dean of Education Research)과 David Huang 교수(Associate Dean, Research and Administration Support)가 우리 대학을 방문하였다. 사범대학에서는 학장 김희백, 교무부학장 박동열, 기획부학장 민병곤, 이병민 교수 (영어교육과), 임철일 교수 (교육학과), 조영환 교수 (교육학과), 김선희 교수 (불어교육과) 그리고 조정효 교수 (물리교육과)가 회의에 참석하며 이들을 맞이하였다. 양교의 교수들은 AI 교육 발전 방향에 관해 의견을 […]

2019-2 iSNUCE End-of-semester Dinner & LEP awards

On December 4th, iSNUCE held a Dinner Party to commemorate all the efforts of iSNUCE and LEP students, student assistants, and professors. Both LEP and iSNUCE participants were certificates for participating in nine weeks of language exchanges. Additionally, students were given gifts for their participation. Finally, all members enjoyed gourmet style dishes with the delicious […]