2019 STEAM교육 UCC 공모대회 안내
※ 첨부된 공고문 참조 바람
2019 IGT(I am a Good Teacher) 대회 참가 안내
국내 교육현장의 글로벌·다문화 흐름에 따른 해결방안 모색을 주제로 예비교원 대상IGT(I am a Global Teacher) 대회를 다음과 같이 개최하오니 재학생의 많은 참가 바랍니다. ※ 첨부 포스터 참조
iSNUCE is seeking a Supporting Student Assistant
iSNUCE is seeking a Supporting Student Assistant Supporting students assist the lead iSNUCE Administrator for iSNUCE activities (like new student orientation and helps to organize and lead international students in social and cultural events during the semester). Who can apply: who are currently taking courses at College of EducationBoth international and domestic students can […]