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Campus Life

Academic information




Undergraduate program

Graduate program


Int'l Programs

Exchange program

Dual Degree program



Language Exchange Program (LEP) is a program that connects international students and Korean students to learn each other's language and culture. International students can improve their understanding of Korea, Korean students can improve their language skills such as Chinese and English, and create synergy in helping each other.


1. Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students of the College of Education (excluding students on leave/completed/educational trainees)

* All grades are available


2. Application period: ~ Feb 24th (Mon)


3. Application Method: Online Application -> https://shorturl.at/JwmgI


4. Other

– Students who were selected last semester can apply again

– Orientation will be held in March, and specific time and place will be notified individually to the selectors.

– Selected Student Obligations: Meet a partner for 1 hour each week to learn the other language for 30 minutes each and post the contents of the activity on Facebook

– If more than 9 times (80%) participate, a certificate of completion in the name of the dean of the College of Education (Participation period: March~May, 12 weeks in total)

– Korean students who are selected can participate in the iSNUCE international exchange event.

– If you cancel after the application period is closed, you may be restricted from participating in the iSNUCE program & LEP. Please make a careful decision not to limit the participation of language exchange partners.


5. Additional Inquiry: 02-880-8875, eunjung_oh@snu.ac.kr


Students 2,454

Undergraduate: 1,469

Graudate: 985

Faculty 110

QS Ranking by Subject Sports #15 Education #38


Scholarship Benefit Rate 75%

2021 Fall Semester
